Monday, January 16, 2012

The Chinese Identity Considered

The true meaning of being Chinese is a difficult question for anyone to answer.  This is so because it is often subjective.  This is is especially true for those who take pride in their family's descent from the Middle Kingdom.  One part of the experience of the Chinese is the heritage of faith and belief.  In China there is a great diversity of religious belief and philosophies which are reflected.  However, for the most part the three teachings of Confucisanism, Daoism, and Buddhism dominate the cultural landscape. 

One of the greatest contributions to humanity from China is the teaching of Confucius.  In reality this teaching is really more of a philosophy than a religion, but it is sometimes lumped together with Daoism and Buddhism.  The teachings of Confucius stress the importance of ethical behavior if society is to function properly.  The man Confucius died in 479 BCE at the age of seventy three.  It is amazing that his philosophy has lived on after him for so long in such a powerful manner.  It is fair to say that he himself probably did not envision his influence being so profound.  China, and most of East Asia, have honored his legacy for the past two thousand years.

To understand the meaning of being Chinese it is perhaps foundational that one know something about this great leader and thinker.  In many ways the teachings of Confucius are just as practical and needed today as they were in the time when this man lived.  The Japanese also have learned much from the teachings of Confucius throughout history.  So the ideas which Confucius so convincingly set down are for any one to benefit from.  The Chinese person can begin to appreciate their own heritage best if they begin with Confucius!

Best regards from the East,

Harlan Urwiler

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