Monday, March 21, 2011

Precious Jade and Chinese Gemstones

It may interest you to know that before the 17th and 18th centuries most of the usable jade in China was nephrite.  This type is also known commonly as "Ming Jade."  An old Chinese proverb says it best:  "Gold is estimable, but Jade is priceless!"  In China this belief had tremendous influence upon almost every one.  It effected the style of personal decor in the culture for a very long time.  Early jade rings show more evidence of being fashioned with a very old type of equipment called "compound milling machine."  Saltwater pearls were another Chinese gem that became very popular with people.  It is an undisputed fact that the color "blue" was an Imperial color.  It designated rank or royalty.  Blue enameling was used to embellish royal ornamentation.  This identification of the color "blue" with great importance is still true today in China. 

Since both genders could wear jewelry like earrings, men and women of importance were determined to show their nobility and wealth to other people.  Women did tend to wear a different assortment of jewelry.  Their selections might include headdresses or simple head bands.  Jewelry, religious amulets, and other decorative articles were often placed inside the graves of the dead.  This was done at the time of burial.  Rulers, high officials, and certainly Emperors were buried with their precious jade artifacts in order to protect them in the next life.

It is not unreasonable for a person to ask, What is the most popular gemstone materials used today in China?  Not too much has changed in this regard.  Pearls (both freshwater and saltwater), jade (both nephrite and jadeite), and cloisonne enameling remain very sought after gemstone material by prospective buyers.  This is evidence that China is a country which has not forgotten its history.  These precious gems and other pieces of jewelry are very significant parts of their unique culture, their distinguished heritage, and even their own spirituality.  To own a piece of Chinese jewelry and to wear it with confidence, is an experience to be savored.  Know all you can about China's jewelry fashions... and look for the best selection for yourself!  Wishing you the very best of luck!

Harlan Urwiler

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