Saturday, December 24, 2011

The Greatest Fear of China

What is the government of China most fearful of?  The most probable fear of the Chinese Communist Party is "social disorder."  This means that the government of China does not want to see a repeat of the 1989 Tiananmen Square demonstrations.  The events which took place witnessed the deaths of many student protestors.  Granted, the tenth and fifteenth anniversaries of the Tiananmen demonstrations saw no great incidents of disorder.  Even so, the government still has not forgotten the dreadful nature of what took place several decades ago.  Of course, this memory is for a good reason.

In addition, the spiritual hollowness of contemporary life in modern China has produced massive interest in the cult of "Falun Gong."  This has taken place after decades of Marxist indoctrination were overturned in favor of mass consumerism.  In fact, the Chinese communist party remains very fearful of any mass religious movement.  The remembrance of of the devestating effects of such rebellions as the Taiping in the 19th century has not been lost either.

Such fears give the rest of the world a keen insight into many of the CCP current policies which direct business affairs and relations with the West in the People's Republic of China.  One must consider the history of modern day China to understand properly many aspects of contemporary life.  China is a unique civilization with a singular history which still exists in a state of flux.

Best regards from the East,

Harlan Urwiler

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